
Photo: Veronica Ştefăneţ


Andrei Dósa (1985) was born in Braşov, Romania. He published five collections of poems: “Cînd va veni ceea ce este desăvîrşit” (When completeness Comes, 2011); American Experience (2013); “Nada” (Nothing) (2015), “Adevăratul băiat de aur” (The real golden boy, 2017) and ”Expectativa luminoasă” (Luminous expectation, 2020). In 2018 he published his first novel,”Ierbar” (Herbarium), at the publishing house Polirom. In 2021 his second novel,”Multă forţă şi un dram de gingăşie” (Lots of strength and a touch of tenderness) was published at the same publishing house. Currently he is an editor of the literary magazine Poesis International. He also works as translator of Hungarian literature into Romanian, mostly translating contemporary poets, including György Petri, István Kemény, and Szilárd Borbély, but also novels by Dezső Kosztolányi and Magda Szabó.