Jasmina Vrbavac was born in Belgrade 1965.
She received Bc.S. in 1990 at department of Yugoslav and World Literature at Philological Faculty of Belgrade University. The subject of her graduate work was Modern Literature. Jasmina Vrbavac received M.S. in 2000 at Faculty of Drama, department of Teatrology (Modern Yugoslav drama).
She works at RTS (Serbian Broadcasting Corporation). She has editor position at Cultural Program section.
Since December 2000, she is editing and developing her own monthly TV show on contemporary literature, Babylon. She is also engaged in the other TV shows dedicated to cultural contents, especially Metropolis – weekly TV culture magazine.
Jasmina Vrbavac writes and publishes book critics and reviews in most of Serbian literature magazines as well as in Serbian daily newspaper Politika. Periodically, she is writing and publishing short stories in national magazines. She is represented with several stories in the books Na tragu (On the trail – Serbian crime story) and Čarobna šuma (The Magic Forest – Serbian erotic story).
She has published two books, the study Žrtvovanje kralja (The Sacrifice of the King) – the myth in drama of Ljubomir Simović (2005) and a book of selected literary criticism, Tri I po (Three and a Half), (2007).
She won award of Sterija Theatre Festival (2008) for theatrology and Milan Bogdanović Awards (2010) for book critic.
She works and lives in Belgrade.
Marko Pogačar was born in 1984. in Split, Croatia. He has been regularly publishing poetry, essays, and literary criticism. He is an editor of Quorum, a literary magazine, and Zarez, a bi-weekly for cultural and social issues. His poetry has been translated into about fifteen languages.
Pijavice nad Santa Cruzom, AGM, Zagreb, 2006
Poslanice običnim ljudima, Algoritam, Zagreb, 2007
Predmeti, Algoritam, Zagreb, 2009
An die verlorenen Hälften, selected poems (Edition Korrespondenzen, Wien, 2010.)
Portret s britvama, selected poems (Treći Trg, Beograd, 2010.)
Cada oliva és un estel fos (with Dinko Telećan), selected poems (Institució de les Lletres
Catalanes, Barcelona, 2010.)
Non Fiction
Atlas glasova, V.B.Z, Zagreb, 2011
Jer mi smo mnogi, Algoritam, Zagreb, 2011
Photo copyright Jakob Goldstein
Mirjana Đurđević (1956), B.Sc. C.E. Ph. D. in urban planning. Professor at Civil Engineering College, Belgrade.
She has written a series of six crime novel parodies featuring a female detective Harriett as the main character: A MURDER AT THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE („Ubistvo u akademiji nauka“, Žagor, 2002, Agora, 2007); THE PARKING LOT OF St. SAVATIJE (“Parking svetog Savatija”, samizdat, 2003, Agora, 2008); OLD MAN RANKO’S MUSINGS ABOUT WOMEN (“Deda Rankove riblje teorije”, Čigoja štampa, 2004, Laguna 2010 – awarded with Female pen 2004, Hit liber 2004, and Golden bestseller 2004); THE JACUZZI IN THE ELEVATOR (“Jacuzzi u liftu”, Čigoja štampa, 2005); SERBIAN LEGENDS (“Prvi drugi, treći čovek – srpske legende”, Agora, 2006) and AS SOON AS I SURVIVE („Čim preživim ovaj roman“, Agora 2008, 2009).
Also ANATOMY CLASS AT THE CIVIL ENGINEERING FACULTY (“Čas anatomije na Građevinskom fakultetu”, Viktor, 2001, non-fiction) and novels IN TRANSITION, ON HER OWN (“Treći sektor ili sama žena u tranziciji”, Žagor, 2001, Agora, 2006.); THE DRAGONESS’ SMILE (“Aždajin osmeh”, Čigoja štampa, 2004); historical metafiction KEEPERS OF THE SACRAMENT, (“Čuvari svetinje”, Agora, 2007, 2008) and KAYA, BELGRADE AND THE GOOD AMERICAN (“Kaja, Beograd i dobri Amerikanac”, Agora 2009, Laguna 2010, 2011 – awarded with “Mesa Selimovic” for the best novel published in 2009 in Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina and Montenegro).
She lives and writes in Belgrade, Serbia.
Roland Orcsik is born in Becse (Voivodina, Serbia) in 1975. Since ’92 he lives in Szeged (Hungary). I
n 2002 he finished his studys (Hungarian language and literaure), after which he started his PhD-studys (comparative literature). He works at the University of Szeged Institute of Slavonic Studies. Writes poetry, essays, critiques and translates from Ex-Yugoslavian languages into Hungarian. So far he published two books of poems: Rozsdamaró (Rub the rust off, 2002), Holdnak, Arccal (To the Moon with Face, 2007), Mahler letöltve (Mahler downloaded, 2011).
His poems are translated in English, Croatian, Romanian, Slovenian and Serbian languages.