
Gustáv Murín (born April, 9th 1959 in Bratislava, Slovakia) published  20 books (incl. 5 in Czech + 1 in French translation + 1 in Hindi): Novel, novella, 2xcollections of stories, collection of sci-fi stories, 7xcollect. of essays, extensive essay-study about biology, 2x popular studies (about marriage, about longevity), retrospective studies about organized crime in capitol city and Slovakia, 2xpopular encyclopaedia, 2xcollections of travel stories. His latest book about mafia in Slovakia (Mafia na Slovensku, 2009) become bestseller with first print of 20 000 copies.

Author of more than 1200 articles in 50 major Slovak, Czech and international newspapers and magazines.

Almost 200 texts of Gustáv Murín were translated into 36 other languages (i.e. Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, France, Great Britain, Greenland/Inuit, India/Hindi, Italy, Lithuania, Macedonia, Romania, Ukraine, USA etc.).

He had readings and literary presentations in countries like Armenia, Austria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Georgia, Greece, India, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Sweden, Switzerland, USA…

Obtained international writer´s fellowships: USA (1995, 1998, 2001, 2002), Poland (1998), Switzerland (2002), Serbia (2007) and Greece (2009).