
Vladimir Martinovski (1974) is a literary critic, essayist, poet and storyteller. He is an assistant professor of Comparative Poetics at the General and Comparative Literature Department of the Blaže Koneski Faculty of Philology, Ss Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje. He received his bachelor and masters degrees at the Faculty of Philology, and his PhD at the University of the New Sorbonne – Paris III.

He is President of the Comparative Literature Society of Macedonia and an executive board member of the International Association for Semiotic Studies. He is also a member of the International Comparative Literature Association and of the European Network for Comparative Literary Studies. He is a co-editor of the Macedonian haiku magazine Мравка (Ant).

He has authored the following books: From Image to Poem – Interference between Contemporary Macedonian Poetry and Fine Arts (a study, 2003), Maritime Moon (haiku and tanka, 2003), Hidden Poems (haiku, 2005), And Water and Earth and Fire and Air (haiku, 2006), Comparative Triptychs (studies and essays, 2007), Les Musées imaginaires, or Imaginary Museums (a study, 2009), A Wave Echo (haibuns, 2009), Reading Images – Aspects of Ekphrastic Poetry (a study, 2009) and Quartets (poetry, 2009).

He co-edited the books: Ut Pictura Poesis – Poetry in Dialogue with Other Arts, a Thematic Selection of Macedonian Poetry  (with Nuhi Vinca, 2006) and Metamorphoses and Metatexts (with Vesna Tomovska, 2008).

His poetry – mainly haiku – has been translated into Albanian, English, Greek, Japanese, Polish, Slovene and Serbian.

He was awarded first prize at the Nova Makedonija Short Story Competition in 2009.

Vladimir Martinovski is an active musician as well. He has performed on the albums OPA (2002) of the Pece Atanasovski Folk Instrument Orchestra, Калдрма, or Cobble (2004) of the band Kaldrma and and Kalemar (2008) of the Baklava band.