Czech Republic

Jan Sojka was born in 1973. in Plzen where he teaches at school. He is a member of the editorial board of “Snail” magazine and is one of the founders of the informal theater scene Antidivadlo where he prepares texts and plays. For the collection “The direction of a Dream” he won a prestigious west-Czech literary award “Bohumil Polan.”

Vesna Tvrtković was born in Sarajevo in 1982. In 1993 her family fled the ongoing war and settled in the Czech Republic, where she still lives today. She obtained her Master’s degree in Creative Writing at the Josef Škvorecký Literary academy in Prague in 2009. As a writer, she has been a contributor to various Czech periodicals, published one play and written a screenplay for a short film. In May 2010 she published a collection of short stories, Ani ve Snu (Not even in a dream). Another of her stories was featured in a collection by various authors entitled Nauč mě Milovat (Teach me to love). Her first full-length novel, Idioti 21. Stoleti (Idiots of the 21st century), was published in April 2012.